On Speed Dating In Demopolis

by Michael D. Kane



Hotasphalt; shade of the pecan trees; new mown grass (and hay); cool grass underyou feet; walking two blocks from home and fishing on the banks of the river;warm moist breezes; sometimes it would be hot and sticky with no breeze; thesound of the attic fan as you went to sleep; playing under the street light atdusk; the spats with neighborhood children, and then playing together the nextday; not wanting to go home for supper because you knew that you would have togo to bed soon; Little League Base Ball.


On Speed Dating In Demopolis Ms

Coolmornings and warm afternoons; trips to the stores to buy “back to schoolclothes and supplies”; the promise of a new school year mixed with sadnessthat summer vacation was over; raking up leaves so that you could pick uppecans, cracking and shelling them while listening to “the game on the radio;Friday night Demopolis High School Tiger Football; (out of town games werecarried on WXAL); the Alabama and Auburn games (on radio) stopped everything onSaturday afternoons; pick up football games in the park (breaking my glasses atleast once each fall while playing in the pick up games).

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Thewonderful cold that allowed you to play hard, and not get too hot; seeing yourbreath as you ran or biked; frozen hair because you did play so hard; SNOW (fromtime to time) and how different and beautiful it made everything look; SNOWHOLIDAYS from school!; the look of the trees without leaves and the patternsthey made on the ground on moon lit nights; the sound of frozen grass crunchingunder your feet; putting your pajamas (towels) on the radiators and the warmththat they gave when you got out of the bath. Shivering as you got into bed.(The first winter in my parent’s house on Capitol St, when it got downto +4 degrees, and I heard my Dad breaking the ice in the toilet that morning.The house was insulated soon after that.)


Greencool grass, spider lilies, new leaves on the trees and crepe myrtles in bloom.The Flower around the fountain and pathways of Miss Marie’s when wewalked to church.Mr. FrankRutledge taking pictures (home movies) on Easter mornings at Trinity Church;days growing longer and more time to play; the first day the pool opened.

Youngerdays in Demopolis

Icould ride my bicycle anywhere and everywhere (except on Highway 80), and ridingto School (grades 3 through 7, after that it “wasn’t cool”).Riding to Dan Gentry’s or Eddie Gardener’s house.Ray White and I would ride our bicycles out to see Lee Compton, down theback roads, spend 30 minutes or so talking to her (always outside the house)then pedaling back to town.


PhilPfaffman being “sick” and not allowed to run and play, so I would go down tosee him and he would get on my back and I would run for him.(I was never fast enough but he didn’t mind because it was his chanceto be outside and play).PlayingArmy with Eddie Gardner, Powers Davis, David Freeman, and a host of others.

Beingrun out of my own house by my mother because I was “bothering “ her“Senior” or” Cadet Girl Scouts”.(Becomingaware that girls were ok and smelled good.)

CecilPorter coming to visit and entertain me when I was in bed because I had fallenon a board and a nail penetrated my knee joint.

Theafter church Sunday dinners at the Demopolis Inn;

Sundayswhen only one drugstore and the Theater was open, the other merchants would beclosed; Wednesday afternoons when the merchants would close; being able to walkinto any store and say “Mom sentme to get…..” and not having to produce money, and leaving with what wasneeded.

On Speed Dating In Demopolis

EarlySaturday morning excursion to Traeger’s Bakery, for bread and a dozen fresh,hot donuts.(I usually ate thethirteenth one on the way home.)Fudge Ripple ice cream at Bailey’s.(I had to pay cash at these establishments otherwise I would have run upa tab the size of the national debit.)

Beingtoo sick (contagious) to go to the Doctor’s Office so the Doctor came to ourhouse.Faye catching what I had soI had to stay in even though I was better.(It didn’t make sense to me then but I suspect that Mom was trying togive me extra time to recover so that I would not relapse).

Peoplewho know your name, who you are, and whom you belong to.Belonging, and not knowing that it wasspecial.

Beingsad and hurting when others had problems and hurts.


Extrasets of parents (those of your friends) who would love you and help you learn tobe a better person.

Notbeing able to do anything wrong and NOT having Mom find out about it before youcould get home.Doing somethingwrong at a friend’s house, getting a spanking and then getting anotherspanking from your parents when you got home.(I think that’s why I didn’t get into trouble too often.)

Beingable to enter Trinity Church at any time of the day or night because the doorswere never locked.

Knockingon the front (or rear) door at a friend’s house and their mother would say,“Come In”, you would seldom hear “Who is it?”

On Speed Dating In Demopolis Maine

Momsbeing at home;

Spendingthe night with friends and visiting their church and always being made to feelas though I belonged there.


Thesmile and warmth of adults when they greeted children, especially Mr. JeromeLevy;

Mr.Carter Strudwick and his popcorn balls and other treats;

Dadsattending Little League games on Wednesdays and Saturdays;

MissDaisy Rutledge, and her patience in teaching me my Catechism:


MyConfirmation by The Big Bishop, Bishop Carpenter;

The“Ladies” of the various churches getting together to help someone who had aproblem or tragedy in their lives;

Myparents close friends, who we were allowed to call “Uncle” and “Aunt”.

Theteachers who saw my potential, even though at times I believed those who saidthat I had none; the teachers who taught me to believe in my own abilities andto work to increase them; Coach Wayne Philips who knew he could get more from meby letting me know that he believed in me, because I didn’t want to let himdown.


Ilearned to drive, a three speed, on the column, 95 horsepower 1960 Ford Falcon.I started driving at the age of 12, when Dad and I would go hunting, onthe hunting club land in Sumter County.Hestarted me out in the field one day.Therewas nothing within 500 yards around.Hesaid that I needed to know how to drive incase anything happened and hecouldn’t drive.So from then on,every time we would start to leave the club’s property, I would have a drivinglesson.In the years that we wenthunting, I learned to drive well enough that when we got past the gate from theCounty road, I would drive and Dad would get the gate.One fall we went hunting for the first time and for some reason Daddecided he would drive into the location where we were going to park.There was a drainage ditch that was not far from the gate to the Countyroad.The previous three seasons,we had just sped up to 15 to 20 MPH and drove through the ditch.Dad noticed that they had built a small bridge about 300 yards from thegate which was on the path to the back area of the club’s property, but wewere headed to the front area.Hetook off along the path to the front area, which went through the ditch.The ditch was a very shallow depression about 30 feet wide.The car got halfway through the ditch and suddenly stopped, the wheelsburied up to the axles.(Boy was Iglad I wasn’t driving!).Dadwalked up the road and found the farmer who had leased the land to the huntclub.He came down with his tractorand pulled us out.He laughed andsaid he should start charging for this service as we were the third vehicle hehad pulled out that week.He saidthat he had informed the president of the club that an artesian well had beenput in (up stream in the ditch) and he had built the bridge to get across theditch.This information was in thenewsletter, which arrived at our house before we got back that day.(I later found out that learning to drive early only improves yourability to steer, shift and brake.Onlyseveral years of experience, an understanding of the rules and laws of the road,and an understanding of rudimentary physics of motion make you a good driver.This I proved the hard way.)

Preparationfor later

On Speed Dating In Demopolis Ms

Drivingin Demopolis was a way of teenage life.Ifyou did not have a license and a car, you basically did not have a social life.Amazingly, I did not drive like a wild man (as was my custom) when I hada date in the car.I did not wantto frighten my date as dates were hard to come by sometimes.I do remember the day that I had Moms 1965 98 Oldsmobile with the 396(390 HP) engine.I dropped DanGentry off by Ann Pruitt’s house (he was going to a meeting of some sort).After Dan got out of the car he gave me the sign to peel out (a finger ina fast circular motion).I stood onthe gas pedal.The car stood still,the right rear wheel spun; the smoke was thick and acrid.The car did not move forward until I let up on the gas pedal.(I later found out that I had burned a hole in the street the width ofthe tire and about three inches deep.)Iwas on the way home.When I droveup in the driveway, Mom was on the back steps, waiting to take the keys.Like I say, in a town that small, you cannot do anything wrong withoutyour parents knowing about it.Ialso experienced driving on snow and Ice in Demopolis.My friends from the north have a hard time believing this.(To think, I almost lost my license the first year that I had it, and forthe last 20 years, part of my primary job has been to investigate trafficcrashes and enforce Florida Traffic Laws as a result of my investigations.)

Therewere bad times too.We allexperienced the loss of friends, way to early.We learned rejection when we asked someone out and was told “NO” inno uncertain terms.Ourshortcomings were often pointed out to us in cruel ways.These are the things that started the preparation for our adult life,away from Demopolis.I don’tremember my parent’s house having a working door lock before I was 12.We went away on a two-week trip that year and a house on Highway 80 hadbeen entered two weeks before.MyDad called Chief Cooper and told him that we would be out of town for two weeksand Chief Cooper advised Dad to get a lock for the front and back doors, justincase the burglar had not moved on.Idon’t think that the back door was locked again for another four years.These experiences began my education of what, in these times, seems to bethe ugliness that is prevalent in the world that I now work in.The gentle, humane, and loving experiences I was exposed to while growingup in Demopolis, have given me a basis for dealing with those that I come incontact with.I try to treat themwith the same humanity and dignity that I learned by others examples so longago.

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PSNo names were changed to protect the innocent, because we all qualified asinnocent (though sometimes mischievous) back then.

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