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The old city was built in the middle of the sixteenth century.Thenew citywas founded in 1776 by Prince Potemkin by order of Russian Empress Catherine II of the Russian Empire and was called Yekaterinoslav from 1776-1926. Dnipro was the mainstay of the metal industry in Ukraine from the early 20th century to the present day, and has also been a leader in the construction of machines used in aerospace design since the 50s.

Middle River Dating Dc Official

Dnipro Airport, located 15 km south east of the city center, offers direct flightsto and from Vienna (Austria), Istanbul (Turkey), Tel Aviv (Israel), Moscow (Russia) and of course, Kiev (capital of Ukraine) etc... The city also has anextensive network of railwaysthat daily connect many cities in Eastern Europe throughout the year.

You canadmire the beauty of Dniproand visit all year either in spring (with a pleasant temperature and beautiful nature), summer (it's hot, many flowers adorn Dnipro and you can enjoy the lovely beaches of the city), fall (especially in September and October: trees parks and walkways boast stunning yellow, brown and red foliage) or winter (the town is covered with a beautiful blanket of snow, the temperature being about -3 degrees). It often rains in November, the other months of the year are often dry with a few thunderstorms in the summer.

Themain avenueof the city called Karl Marx isreally beautiful: it crosses the city from east to west; it was created in the 18th century and buildings (over 150 years old) bordering this avenue are the real decoration of Dnipro. This avenue also has many shops, cafes, gourmet restaurants, fast food, clubs etc.

Theheart of Dnipro is the Zhovtneva square where you can find theCathedral of the Transfiguration of the Saviourbuilt in the early 19th century by order of Catherine II. The Cathedral was built by the best architects: it has great value not only as a historical monument, but also as a true work of art. In Zhovtneva square there are many other historical buildings: the Historical Museum and Museum of seniority, the Diorama 'Battle of the Dnieper River' etc ... Dnipro has many operas, theaters, museums open all year round.

Middle River Dating Dc Woman

TheDnieper Riveris a beautiful creation of nature and helps keep a temperate climate and fresh air in the city. In summer there are many cafes and restaurants open all along the river where you can visit and enjoy the scenery. Walking along the Dnieper you reach the large park T.Shevchenko and you will discover the Monastyrskiy Islandthat is one of the main attractions of the city. Several centuries age the Byzantines erected a beautiful monastery on this island. On any of the seven hills dotting the city you can see magnificent panoramas of Dnieper river, islands, parks etc.

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